Knowing What is Not Known:
Clairvoyance – (Supernatural Power of seeing objects that are out of sight).
Penduluar Diagnosis
(An extremely popular method of alternative health care.) One of the most remarkable discoveries of pendulum diagnosis is that it can give advance warning of an illness and it can diagnose mental and spiritual illnesses.
Diagnosis Analysis with Pendulum
(This could be a photograph or handwriting, a small vial containing a sample of urine, a strand of hair, specimen of blood or saliva etc) The diagnosis chart lists the seven main systems of the body, and enables one to quickly determine where the patient’s problems lie.
There are differences in every person’s appearance, intelligence and way of thinking. In the same way, there is difference in every word’s meaning and its sense. These words have tremendous effects on the surroundings since they can travel all around this world just by using any available medium. These sound waves that are in fact vibrations is called Dowsing. With dowsing, we can find answers to the most interesting questions of our lives.
Every living thing in the nature emits different types of waves in which particles vibrate. These vibrations are not of one kind, but of different wavelengths. The frequency and the magnitude vary with each living thing. These vibrations can be measured by scientific instruments. Any kind of problem in the living things changes the frequency and the magnitude of the waves. Vibrations are emitted even from most of the non living things.
To dowse means to find something. One ho finds is called a Dowser who can answer all the required questions.
The first question which is asked while beginning the dowsing session is: “Shall I Dowse?” or “Can I do dowsing?” which creates an expectation of an obvious set of answers: yes or no.
Every action that we execute requires methodical thinking therefore even the action of asking the question to the pendulum requires a sensible structure of the question.
Every question that is asked while dowsing, whether it is in Marathi, Hindi, Cannad, Telugu, Tamil, Sinhilli, English, French or German language, has the same structure and has the same answer, which is either yes or no. the second question which is generally required to be asked is: Is it a good timing for to do dowsing? This question is to get a sense of the time and its limits. Even this question triggers two possible choices of answers, yes or no. We can reinterpret one thing from all this; that the answer to any question is received without any difficulty. The process of receiving the answers from the pendulum can be compared with that of a computer. The letter ‘A’ when typed renders the number 1000001; and this number is stored by the computer in buffer and then in temporary memory. But while displaying on the screen, it is again converted to a visible “A” form and is rendered.
Since the creation of the earth, every event is recorded by the vibrations and is available to be detected through the “Space” medium of the “Panchamahabhutas”. On this earth, there is not a single thing from which the vibrations are not created or reflected. To be able to understand these vibrations and waves, we translate them, transliterate them and then characterize them.
Our saints and seers recognized the power of the vibrations generated by different words and then created the Mantras. The science to read the vibrations generated by the mantras has been created. Since then, the dowsing is a prominent science for reading these vibrations. The major use of dowsing has also given it a second name, Vibration Science. Entire world is full of different types of vibrations. To make use of the most advantageous vibrations in this nature, we must learn and understand Dowsing completely.
The human’s know how to communicate with help of the languages. We know how to understand each other’s emotions and thoughts. Hence only humans can study the fundamentals of dowsing. When a person is infected by a disease, and when the doctors declare his inoperability, that time dowsing can help one find the true cause.
We can find about the energy, behavior, education and health etc of any person with dowsing. We can determine the favourable career domains, their branches, their limits and possibilities of success with the help of dowsing. We can even dowse to find out a vulnerable person’s diseases and illnesses.
When the best medical doctors fail, there the use of expertise of a dowser becomes essential. This is because many times the MRI, CT scan, Sonography, and other reports give out no detail of the illness then turns out to be an outcome of many other problems of family, marriage and mental health. Therefore,
Dowsing is Pathology of all Sciences
We can make one more use out of dowsing, that is, we can measure different frequencies of the waves and associate them with different diseases we know. We can even show that there are specific energy levels available of a person and they change when that person is ill. It is necessary to observe the different wavelengths and magnitudes of electro-magnetic waves, observe how effective the suggested solution to the person’s illness is, and perceive the results of the suggested solution on the affected person.
Now we will study the factors which make a dowser do his best.
Determining your goal:
You must be determined to become a good dowser. Be perceptive, and and reinterpret what you see without bothering anything. Be impartial. Make notes. Take unbiased decisions.
Getting Started to Dowsing :
An important thought: Why to learn dowsing?
Let us now classify the dowsing sessions.
Dowsing for Family :
Dowsing for Finance :
Dowsing for Education :
How to plan and control your dowsing?
Relationship of Dowsers and Customers :
How to be a successful dowser :
Dowsing for Society and Health :
Dowsing for Business :
Lecher Antenna
Ernst Lecher discovered the principle of measuring energy in 1890. The Lecher Antenna was developed by a group of German physicists in 1975 based on Dr. Lecher’s principle. In ancient days “Institution” is only the way to find the body vibration. It cannot be proven. But now there is an instrument measures the energy fields surrounding the physical body. To determine the physical health of clients, all fields, that is organs, parts of the body, disease in the body having different frequencies. The energetic field should property center with our physical body. The misalignment causes into mental discomfort and suffering. It leads into nervousness, lack of energy, tiredness even after complete rest, sorrowfulness, cannot control emotions, fearfulness towards troublesome situations. If the energetic and physical body alignment is corrected then you can recover your full potential, healthful sleep, able to face properly personal situations, attain your goals, turned to the right changes and will get love, progress, prosperity, health, satisfaction, empowerment, money, happiness in your VASTU. Are your fields/vastu surrounding your body at their favourable point of your physical body?
There are four fields surrounding your body, the thermic, magnetic, electric and chromatic. Thermic fields related to the heat surrounding the body. If the magnetic field is inside the thermic field, your creativity will spoil. The magnetic field relates to the body (-) principle. If the electric field is inside the magnetic field, if you do not have creativity in the mind then you can’t take any action. Even you can’t have desires to do that action. The electric field relates to the body (+) principle.
The chromatic field is too close to your body even you are unable to overcome your discomforts and diseases. If this field far away you can overcome the sickness and can heal your body. Chromatic fields relates to the mental and spiritual body. In the sessions: you are taught how to fix your own energy.
The principle of Lecher’s wire
Lecher Antenna is based upon Nano Technology. This technology used in atom level. It is a micro million minute but most powerful technology. By this technology, with a small space, or thing we can do many more things with the antenna.
It is more an attempt of explanation of an absolute truth. It highlights the sinusoidal way of the electrical current with bellies of tension and nodes of intensity. Any metal conductor in the space constitutes an antenna, which collects and emits at least half of what it collects. The Lecher antenna corresponds to a closed line with the one of its ends. The position of the cursor will give a specific indication:
With a generator of Gigahertz, emitting in the cent metric waves, the correspondence on the antenna of Lecher can be checked. The cent-metric scale of the antenna also makes it possible to appreciate harmonies with organic resonance in the electromagnetic spectrum. The human body, thanks to the antenna of Lecher, is able to select information with the lower part of the electromagnetic background noise, which does not allow the apparatus, measurements objectify subliminal.
Map Dowsing | Dowsing Rod Method Survey |
Hand / Pendulum Dowsing | Lecher Antenna Survey |